Logo GPC Química

Management System

GPC Química is certified with ISO 9001 Certificate – Quality Management System, once acquired by means of continuous investments in the pursuit of excellence on clockwork processes, of which in turn tend to promote better results in all performed activities rendered by the company.

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Integrated Management System Policy

GPC Química, a chemical company providing quality business solutions in the thermoset composite chain, specially for wood-based panels, once committed to the principles of sustainable development and therefore acknowledging the importance of an Integrated Management System – IMS comprises the following guidelines:

  • To conduct business in accordance with its Values and in compliance with Code of Ethics and Conduct.
  • To add value to the stakeholders.
  • To provide solutions to the industry focusing on meeting the expectations of its customers.
  • To promote the continuous improvement and sustainable development.
  • To comply with applicable legal requirements and other legal requirements.
  • To prevent environmental pollution and collateral adverse impacts.
  • To preserve the safety and health of our employees and stakeholders.
  • To keep an open and transparent channel with stakeholders.
  • To coach internal employees through specific training in their partitioned activities.
  • To manage the company's business with planned and systematic actions, focusing on meeting set targets.